Newt Gingrich, the guy who sat on a couch with Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) and told us Al Gore (D) was right about the threat of global warming even while us poor Mid-West Tea Party Patriots were freezing our buns off, thinks the GOP should support a left-of-center-of-the Democrat-party candidate as the GOP candidate to replace Rep. John McHugh (R). McHugh  took the job of army secretary in the Obama administration. I suppose McHugh figured they needed some adult supervision.

Anyways, Gingrich came out supporting whats-her-name, the official GOP candidate, apparently selected because she might attract Democrats who like her because she has exactly the same positions as the Democrat she opposes. This makes no sense.  But Newt went on national TV to support whats-her-name.

Meanwhile, Sarah Palin goes all in for the conservative party candidate, the unassuming Doug Hoffman. Whatever the outcome of NY23, Palin sided with true conservatives and real patriots. Gingrich didn’t. Pawlenty and Huckabee went AWOL. Romney tries to have it both ways. Who will we support (we being one of the 1.2 miilion+ who went to Washington on 9/12) for 2012? Palin wins hands down.